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Calming Podcast for Taming the Inner Monkey

MindTalk by HeyZen

Our mind may often resemble a busy monkey that jumps from thought to thought, resisting to stop even for a moment. In this episode, our wellness experts will give practical steps on how to calm it down and live life in peace and quietness inside.

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Podcast 12 min
Calming Podcast for Taming the Inner Monkey
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Inside MindTalk: How to Tame the Inner Monkey for Meaningful Life

Just like you train your muscles, it’s important to learn how to train your mind. If you allow it to go wild, it’ll happily indulge itself with rushing thoughts, catastrophization, and negative ruminations.

The game changer for our busy brains is mindfulness. You can start with walking or eating slower to remind your brain that there’s no rush outside and it can also slow down. Then, you may take a step forward and start doing things mindfully: eat fully savoring the taste of food or walk enjoying your surroundings instead of being consumed with thoughts. The key is to concentrate on the present moment and try not to be carried away to the imaginary problems of the future or past.

This MindTalk episode takes you further to other science-based tips for calmness and resilience. For example, we explain how meditation and sports can communicate to the brain that there’s no need for rush and anxiety. Also, you’ll discover grounding techniques for situations when you feel overwhelmed and panicky thoughts creeping into your brain.

Life challenges will always pressure our minds to become wild, untamed monkeys that can’t sit still. But our calm and happiness are in our hands, and we surely can train this monkey (our mind) to find peace with healthy and science-backed solutions.

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