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ADHD Relief Program

Natural Remedies for Balanced Mind

Breathe a sigh of relief. There are scientifically proven ways to soothe ADHD symptoms in a natural and non-harmful way.

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ADHD Relief Program

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with all the natural relief solutions-structured, easy to follow, and filled with joy

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Become more centered with specific exercises and mindfulness practices.

Yoga therapy

Gentle yoga sessions to get you through tough ADHD experiences.

Yoga therapy

Guided meditations

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Guided meditations

Podcasts for self-discovery

Expert insights for a deeper understanding of yourself.

Podcasts for self-discovery

Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is a congenital neurodevelopmental disorder, the first symptoms of which are revealed before the age of 12. Its common symptoms include lack of focus, disorganization, and hyperactivity, which can lead to brain fog, mood swings, anxiety, and depression.

Traditional ADHD treatment reconsidered

Just until recently, ADHD used to be treated solely with stimulant and non-stimulant drugs. They target various neurotransmitters in the brain and make them function in a “normal” way. However, those drugs have many side effects: sleep and heart disorders, depression, problems with appetite, etc. This is why their use is advised to be restricted while treatment is supplemented by natural remedies.

Did you know that…

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends starting a pharmacological ADHD treatment plan for children only if behavioral therapy doesn’t show results. Did you know that...

Your hub of ADHD knowledge

How to Do Dopamine Detox the Healthy Way And Is It Really a Detox?
Mental Health

How to Do Dopamine Detox the Healthy Way And Is It Really a Detox?

Easily accessible joys are everywhere: online shopping, video games, alcohol, and junk food—are all around us, and nothing, except ourselves, can stop us from using them. All these activities aren’t as evil as they may seem, and the main problem is our inability to curb impulses. The latest social media trends may lead you to […]

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The Truth Behind Dopamine Detox for ADHD

The Truth Behind Dopamine Detox for ADHD

We’re surrounded by sources of “easy happiness”: social media, delicious fast food, endless TV shows, and video games—all within seconds away and ready for us to enjoy. All these activities are indeed pleasurable and non-harmful when we wisely incorporate them into our lives. But what happens when we don’t give our brains a chance to […]

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ADHD Apps That Actually Help
Mental Health

ADHD Apps That Actually Help

Mobile devices can be our greatest enemies, as it’s so easy to get lost in the endless doomscrolling. Yet no one prevents us from turning them to our advantage and making use of apps created specifically for us – people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But there are so many apps for ADHD now! […]

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ADHD in Teenagers: Symptoms, Treatment, and Similar Disorders
Mental Health

ADHD in Teenagers: Symptoms, Treatment, and Similar Disorders

Teenage years aren’t the easiest by definition, and ADHD can put an additional burden on developing minds. Parental expectations, academic performance, peer pressure, and physical changes are multiplied by the disorder and affect teens’ social skills, self-esteem, and mental well-being. Let’s learn more about ADHD and the most effective way to live unaffected by its […]

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ADHD Quotes | Drops of Daily Joy
Mental Health

ADHD Quotes | Drops of Daily Joy

ADHD puts a great toll on our mental health. In moments when the urge to give up feels most tempting, you can find support in the wise words of those who have managed to thrive in the daily grind. Quotes for my child with ADHD We’re all born geniuses, but if you judge a fish […]

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ADHD in Girls: the Hidden Diagnosis
Mental Health

ADHD in Girls: the Hidden Diagnosis

The research on the girls’ ADHD hadn’t started until recently, in 1979. Why? Because ADHD in females is often revealed differently: it’s not a restless child running around a classroom, but a shy girl who keeps everything to herself and has her mind wandering around somewhere else, even when it’s time to focus. Let’s learn […]

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ADHD in Kids: When Hyperactivity Breaks the Norm
Mental Health

ADHD in Kids: When Hyperactivity Breaks the Norm

ADHD has many faces: some children keep making careless mistakes and have trouble paying attention, some are overly active, and some are too shy and can hyperfocus on a specific activity. ADHD signifies a special way of brain functioning, but this way has many facets. Let’s learn about children ADHD, its main types, and other […]

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About ADHD in Men and the Routes to Mental Health
Mental Health

About ADHD in Men and the Routes to Mental Health

You may be struggling to meet career goals or not be as concentrated as a stereotypical male should be. Together with the burden of societal expectations, men’s lives are weighed down by untreated ADHD and, as a consequence, other mental health conditions. Even though ADHD diagnosis is more prevalent in males, it doesn’t mean that […]

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Adult ADHD Symptoms: Searching for Life Balance
Mental Health

Adult ADHD Symptoms: Searching for Life Balance

Always drained, your mood is a non-stop seesaw, and you can’t concentrate on a task for more than 5 minutes? Well, it’s possible that you’re facing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  But, hold on, ADHD diagnosis is much more complex than this! In fact, it can well resemble other mental health conditions, and your symptoms […]

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“What if I’m just inattentive?” Learning Symptoms of ADHD
Mental Health

“What if I’m just inattentive?” Learning Symptoms of ADHD

James is in the middle of a conversation with his friend Tom. Listening about his last love affair, at one moment, James notices Tom’s sky blue socks, and in another, he catches sight of a flashy neon sign, and then… “Wait, what was Tom talking about?” thinks James after, well, who knows how much time. […]

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ADHD in Women: How to Manage ADHD Symptoms Amidst the Chaos of Life
Mental Health

ADHD in Women: How to Manage ADHD Symptoms Amidst the Chaos of Life

Woman’s life is full of overcomings and going-throughs. They, though, must be hidden from friends and family because “Heaven forbid I bother anyone with my problems!” ADHD in girls is diagnosed at half a rate compared to that of boys. Why? Because it’s easier to spot a hyperactive boy disrupting studies than a quiet, shy, […]

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Understanding What ADHD Is and What It Is Not
Mental Health

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Understanding What ADHD Is and What It Is Not

Is ADHD the same as hyperactivity? Or is irresistible doom-scrolling one of the prime ADHD symptoms? 400-500 million adults in the world struggle with ADHD, and the number is expected to rise as more and more people start to learn about the disorder. Seems like ADHD has become a normal part of our lives, yet […]

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Science speaks:

natural ways to achieve ADHD relief

Meditation and mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness

Studies from the World Journal of Psychiatry have shown meditation to be an effective treatment for ADHD symptoms: it led to a 30-81.8% reduction in inattentiveness and hyperactivity. The problem with ADHD brains lies in their inability to effortfully concentrate and inhibit impulses. Meditations teach the brain how to focus on the present moment and the current feelings and thoughts to rewire the brain. The research from Harvard University found that the more we distract from current activity, the less happy we feel, which makes mindfulness and meditation even more beneficial.

Physical activity

Physical activity

Similarly to drugs, vigorous exercise serves as a natural booster of neurotransmitters, leading to improved impulse control and overall mental health. The research proved that physical activities lead to a considerable increase in dopamine levels, so they can be used as one of the mental health treatment methods. Moreover, another study has shown that even an hour-long moderate-level sports session led to the alleviation of ADHD symptoms among adolescents.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT can help ADHDers identify and modify unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors. CBT sessions involve developing a set of strategies for managing symptoms and improving daily functioning. Some of them include restructuring depressive beliefs about oneself and preventing panic and anxiety attacks.

Structured routine

Structured routine

A structured daily routine helps ADHDers feel more in control and reduces feelings of anxiety and stress. Establishing a daily schedule, setting reminders, and breaking tasks into smaller steps can help improve productivity and enhance one’s self-confidence, which ADHD people often lack due to societal pressure.

It’s much easier

to build up your health with HeyZen, as you’ll have daily plans with yoga, meditation, and podcasts compiled specifically for you. Step by step, you’ll acquire healthy habits and CBT-based skills, along with strengthening your body’s muscles and getting your daily dose of healthy dopamine.

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EEG biofeedback or neurofeedback

EEG biofeedback or neurofeedback

EEG biofeedback, or neurofeedback, is a type of neurotherapy that shows its effectiveness in increased academic achievements, intelligence tests, and improved attention and behavioral control. It works like this: You’re given a task to watch, for example, a dot on a computer screen, while special electrodes are put on your head to analyze your brain impulses. When your attention and brain activity change, the dot on the screen starts to behave differently, and so, in the form of a game, you learn how to control your brain activity consciously.

Omega 3–6 and iron

Omega 3–6 and iron

A balanced diet rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids has a positive effect on ADHD symptoms. 13 out of 16 studies revealed that those who supplemented their diet with Omega-3-6 improved their short- and long-term memory, impulsivity, and attention. Iron deficiency is often associated with ADHD and emotional and behavioral problems in children. Some studies suggest that taking iron supplements can be one way to treat ADHD naturally. But pay attention to the fact that, just as with all vitamins, iron must be prescribed by a doctor.

Healthy sleep patterns

Healthy sleep patterns

Maintaining healthy sleep patterns is essential for individuals with ADHD, as sleep disturbances can make symptoms much worse. It may sound trite, but establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and avoiding screens before bedtime can significantly improve sleep quality.


1. Is untreated attention deficit hyperactivity disorder dangerous?

Untreated disorder can lead to difficulties in personal and professional relationships, academic underachievement, and decreased self-esteem. Seeking relief is crucial for improving overall mental health and well-being. Natural remedies and lifestyle changes can be effective in managing ADHD symptoms and improving cognitive function.

2. Is treating ADHD possible?

Sure, the combination of natural remedies and pharmacological medication usually brings the best results in treating ADHD. Only doctors who specialize in ADHD can work out a balanced treatment for your case.

3. Can adults develop ADHD symptoms?

Sometimes, adults develop separate ADHD symptoms (problems with working memory, loss of concentration, restlessness, etc.). It’s not the disorder itself, but the consequences of the modern pace of life, environmental factors, and chronic stress. They can be treated via physical exercises, meditation, and mindfulness by naturally triggering the production of neurotransmitters in the brain.

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