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How to Believe in Yourself and Love Yourself Podcast

MindTalk by HeyZen

We’re often sure that the chances of our failure are higher than those of success. But why does it happen? Listen to this episode to learn why we fall into self-doubt and why practicing self-love seems so difficult.

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Podcast 12 min
How to Believe in Yourself and Love Yourself Podcast
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Inside the MindTalk Podcast: Building Up Self-Belief and Self-Love

One of the main reasons why we don’t believe in ourselves is negative self-talk. To get rid of this destructive habit, try to doubt every thought that presents your life or your achievements in a negative light. For example, if you believe that no one will like you at some event, question this belief and tell yourself, “What if the chances of finding someone who’ll enjoy my company are just the same as the chances of being disliked?”

Shifting your perspective in this way opens up possibilities, helping you challenge self-doubt and recognize that the outcome could be far more positive than your initial fears suggest! In this episode of MindTalk, we help you to find your own ways towards positive self-talk by using natural tools to align mind, body, and emotions.

The episode also touches on the themes of self-esteem and self-confidence and the practical advice to build them up from scratch. For example, you may try to identify the root causes of your disbelief in yourself by looking into your personal story. Maybe it was your parents who taught you certain patterns, such as “All rich people are frauds,” and this is why you don’t want to believe in your career success to subconsciously avoid becoming this fraud? By looking at our background and surroundings, we may find the original triggers for the lack of self-improvement.

For example, it’s also possible that it’s difficult for you to believe in yourself because you lack self-trust. If you give up on every new habit, don’t keep promises to yourself, or don’t practice self-care, you treat yourself like an enemy. So, first, you need to start your self-love journey where you’ll teach yourself how to communicate with your own mind in a healthy, gentle, and caring way.

Knowing your self-worth and consistently practicing self-acceptance are the keys to understanding your needs and pain points. Listen to this episode of MindTalk to learn practical tips towards it!

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