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Podcast on Stable Emotions for Mental Resilience

MindTalk by HeyZen

Life struggles can make us harsh, tense, and full of negative emotions and feelings. But you don’t need to give into the chaos of life, accepting the growth of the anger and sadness inside. Instead, you can build up your emotional resilience to handle life problems with confidence and grace.

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Podcast 12 min
Stable Emotions for Mental Resilience
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Inside MindTalk: Packing Your Own Emotions Into a Resilience Toolkit

Your emotional resilience is like a boat in a stormy sea—sturdy to keep you afloat or fragile to sink you quickly.

In this episode of MindTalk, we give you practical steps towards understanding your feelings, going from one emotion to another, and filling up your emotional toolkit with the right strategies for mental stability.

For example, we’ll look at the benefits of journaling from the perspective of psychology. Such simple activity that may take only a few minutes per day can help you understand your behavioral patterns and triggers that provoke unpleasant emotions and recall the moments when you felt at peace or, vice versa, uncomfortable.

By understanding these connections, you’ll be able to identify the root causes of your stress or anxiety and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Then, we’ll explain some mindfulness techniques that allow you to stay present and not be dragged into the chaos of overwhelming emotions.

In this podcast, emotions are even compared to a volcano that can burst out if you don’t know how to handle them effectively. This way you may cause pain to your loved ones, damage your relationships, and hurt yourself with all the angry outbursts or their unhealthy suppression. It’s possible that you may feel so tense because you spend too much time doing things for other people, completely neglecting yourself. So, we’ll talk about the skill of setting healthy boundaries to preserve your mental and physical energy.

Listen to the full episode to learn the whole set of skills, their life-based explanations, and our HeyZen advice on how to build up emotional resilience in a healthy and gentle way!

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