Anxiety Relief

Finding Peace in the Chaos

Your brain already knows how to find calm in the chaos of life. You only need to speak its language.

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Your road to inner strength with HeyZen

Daily plans made for you

Comprehensive daily plans for building mental&physical health in connection.

Yoga therapy for resilient body&mind

A thought-out sequence of yoga sessions to calm the mind through the body.

Yoga therapy

Meditations for quick grounding

Soothing guidance to the depth of mind to create a resilient and calm self.

Guided meditations

Podcasts for self-learning

Expert opinion to help you truly understand the roots of your anxiety and handle it.

Podcasts for self-discovery

How to worsen anxiety?

  • Long hours
  • Infodumping
  • No self-care
  • Social isolation
  • Self-misunderstanding 
  • Poor sleep quality
Gently nudge your brain

to peace via science-based steps proved and structured for you by HeyZen.

Everyday tools to manage stress and anxiety

meditation 12 min
First steps out of anxiety
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Meditation for quick anxiety relief

Quick but gentle mindfulness meditation can help you return to a peaceful state, and this major research supports it.

Focus on the present moment

Focus on the present moment

What causes your stress? Most probably, thoughts and worries about the future and the past. So, we need to teach the brain how to concentrate on the now, the safety and the peace of the present moment.

Yoga for stress management

Yoga poses with coordinated breathing and attention can regulate stress naturally through influencing the brain’s prefrontal cortex. Moreover, yoga can boost GABA, low levels of which are associated with mood and anxiety disorders.

podcast 12 min
Demystifying anxiety
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Understanding anxiety disorders

What’s buried under your anxious feelings: small talks, the fear of being misunderstood, or perhaps a deep-rooted sense of unsafety? Understanding how anxiety is triggered can help you regain control over the peace in your life.

Start Your Wellness Journey Today

Join others who’ve transformed their lives with our expert-guided programs, reducing stress and finding balance.

Anxiety vs Stress

The boundaries between these two responses are merged as they share similar symptoms that can be treated via the same natural means.

Stress is…

an emotional reaction mainly caused by external triggers: a loss of a job, a looming deadline, or a quarrel with colleagues.

Anxiety is…

often caused by internal worries, even when there is no obvious external stressor.

Your hub of Anxiety knowledge

ADHD Apps That Actually Help
Mental Health

ADHD Apps That Actually Help

Mobile devices can be our greatest enemies, as it’s so easy to get lost in the endless doomscrolling. Yet no one prevents us from turning them to our advantage and making use of apps created specifically for us – people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But there are so many apps for ADHD now! […]

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ADHD in Teenagers: Symptoms, Treatment, and Similar Disorders
Mental Health

ADHD in Teenagers: Symptoms, Treatment, and Similar Disorders

Teenage years aren’t the easiest by definition, and ADHD can put an additional burden on developing minds. Parental expectations, academic performance, peer pressure, and physical changes are multiplied by the disorder and affect teens’ social skills, self-esteem, and mental well-being. Let’s learn more about ADHD and the most effective way to live unaffected by its […]

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ADHD Quotes | Drops of Daily Joy
Mental Health

ADHD Quotes | Drops of Daily Joy

ADHD puts a great toll on our mental health. In moments when the urge to give up feels most tempting, you can find support in the wise words of those who have managed to thrive in the daily grind. Quotes for my child with ADHD We’re all born geniuses, but if you judge a fish […]

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ADHD in Girls: the Hidden Diagnosis
Mental Health

ADHD in Girls: the Hidden Diagnosis

The research on the girls’ ADHD hadn’t started until recently, in 1979. Why? Because ADHD in females is often revealed differently: it’s not a restless child running around a classroom, but a shy girl who keeps everything to herself and has her mind wandering around somewhere else, even when it’s time to focus. Let’s learn […]

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ADHD in Kids: When Hyperactivity Breaks the Norm
Mental Health

ADHD in Kids: When Hyperactivity Breaks the Norm

ADHD has many faces: some children keep making careless mistakes and have trouble paying attention, some are overly active, and some are too shy and can hyperfocus on a specific activity. ADHD signifies a special way of brain functioning, but this way has many facets. Let’s learn about children ADHD, its main types, and other […]

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About ADHD in Men and the Routes to Mental Health
Mental Health

About ADHD in Men and the Routes to Mental Health

You may be struggling to meet career goals or not be as concentrated as a stereotypical male should be. Together with the burden of societal expectations, men’s lives are weighed down by untreated ADHD and, as a consequence, other mental health conditions. Even though ADHD diagnosis is more prevalent in males, it doesn’t mean that […]

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Adult ADHD Symptoms: Searching for Life Balance
Mental Health

Adult ADHD Symptoms: Searching for Life Balance

Always drained, your mood is a non-stop seesaw, and you can’t concentrate on a task for more than 5 minutes? Well, it’s possible that you’re facing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  But, hold on, ADHD diagnosis is much more complex than this! In fact, it can well resemble other mental health conditions, and your symptoms […]

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“What if I’m just inattentive?” Learning Symptoms of ADHD
Mental Health

“What if I’m just inattentive?” Learning Symptoms of ADHD

James is in the middle of a conversation with his friend Tom. Listening about his last love affair, at one moment, James notices Tom’s sky blue socks, and in another, he catches sight of a flashy neon sign, and then… “Wait, what was Tom talking about?” thinks James after, well, who knows how much time. […]

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ADHD in Women: How to Manage ADHD Symptoms Amidst the Chaos of Life
Mental Health

ADHD in Women: How to Manage ADHD Symptoms Amidst the Chaos of Life

Woman’s life is full of overcomings and going-throughs. They, though, must be hidden from friends and family because “Heaven forbid I bother anyone with my problems!” ADHD in girls is diagnosed at half a rate compared to that of boys. Why? Because it’s easier to spot a hyperactive boy disrupting studies than a quiet, shy, […]

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Understanding What ADHD Is and What It Is Not
Mental Health

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Understanding What ADHD Is and What It Is Not

Is ADHD the same as hyperactivity? Or is irresistible doom-scrolling one of the prime ADHD symptoms? 400-500 million adults in the world struggle with ADHD, and the number is expected to rise as more and more people start to learn about the disorder. Seems like ADHD has become a normal part of our lives, yet […]

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1. What are the most common anxiety symptoms?

Physical symptoms include insomnia, nausea, headaches, dizziness, and low energy levels. As for mental well-being, anxiety can cause irritability, difficulty with concentration, anger, and a general feeling of restlessness.

2. What are the main treatments for anxiety disorders?

Research shows that CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) is the most effective for alleviating generalized anxiety disorder symptoms, with yoga and stress education following as the next best methods.
When the feeling starts to impair social life, a mental health professional usually prescribes antidepressants, antihistamines, etc. depending on the type of the disorder, its symptoms, and any concurrent health conditions.

3. What are the natural remedies for stress?

The natural ways to treat anxiety and stress are mostly lifestyle changes, such as including meditation, self-care, and some form of physical activity into a daily routine. 
For example, the systematic review and the trial prove that mindfulness meditation can soothe and lessen anxiety symptoms. The same can be said about yoga and CBT practices, according to the research.

4. How do I find the right mental health professional?

Try using the Anxiety and Depression Association of America’s (ADAA) resources to find a licensed therapist or support groups.
Check the therapist’s credentials, education, experience in working with problems similar to yours, and treatment methods. Each therapist uses different approaches to help clients, so finding the right mental health expert may require trial and error. 
Remember that you don’t choose the expert for a lifetime: as you work through different bothersome life aspects, it’s totally fine to switch to a professional of a different specialization.

5. Are there natural remedies to relieve anxiety?

Yes, for example, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps you restructure the negative thoughts that cause chronic stress and replace them with healthy ones.
Then, yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques work great in activating your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the rest and digest mode. This way, you communicate to your brain through the body that there’s no danger around, and it can finally relax.